What Happens When You Prioritize Meaning Over Happiness In Life

In a world that often measures success in likes, profits, and personal gratification, it's easy for entrepreneurs to get caught up in pursuing happiness as the ultimate goal. But what if there's a more prosperous, more fulfilling path to success? Inspired by the insights from "Life Worth Living" by Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, and Ryan McAnnally-Linz, it's time to explore why meaning trumps happiness in the entrepreneurial journey.

Summary Life Worth Living by Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, and Ryan McAnnally-Linz
Learn how to craft a life worth living by pursuing happiness, purpose, virtue, community, and hope. This article provides practical strategies to integrate meaning, character, relationships, and enjoyment into a multidimensional life.

The Pitfall of Chasing Happiness

"Happiness, as it turns out, is a byproduct of a life lived with purpose, not its precursor," Miroslav Volf and his co-authors remind us. Happiness, as commonly pursued, can be fleeting—a momentary bliss achieved through external achievements or material gains. For entrepreneurs, this might manifest in the next funding round, a successful product launch, or hitting that coveted revenue milestone. While these achievements bring joy, their glow often dims quickly, leaving one in a perpetual cycle of seeking the next big thing.

Why Meaning Matters More

The core argument that "Happiness is good, but meaning is better" challenges us to rethink our approach to entrepreneurial success. "The pursuit of meaning, though often more demanding, enriches our lives with a deeper sense of fulfillment," argues Volf and colleagues. Meaning comes from contributing to something beyond ourselves, connecting deeply with others, and pursuing a cause we believe in. This isn't just philosophical musing; it's a practical strategy for building resilience, fostering innovation, and creating lasting impact.

1. Sustainability Over Short-Term Wins

Entrepreneurs rooted in purpose are playing the long game. Their vision extends beyond quarterly profits to how their work impacts customers, communities, and the world. This perspective drives sustainable business practices and fosters a culture of commitment and loyalty among team members.

2. Deep Connections Create Community

"True meaning in life is found in connection, in our contributions to communities that matter to us," note the authors. Building a business on a foundation of meaning naturally involves others—whether through partnerships, community engagement, or creating value for customers. These connections are the lifeblood of any enduring venture, offering support through challenges and amplifying successes.

3. Resilience Through Purpose

The entrepreneurial path is fraught with setbacks. "A purpose-driven mindset transforms obstacles into opportunities for growth and reaffirms commitment to the larger goal," the authors emphasize. When your work aligns with your values, perseverance is not just about grit; it's about conviction.

4. Well-Being Beyond the Balance Sheet

Research in positive psychology underscores that individuals with a strong sense of purpose report higher levels of well-being. For entrepreneurs, integrating meaning into your business can enhance personal fulfillment, not just professional achievement.

Integrating Meaning into Your Entrepreneurial Journey

So, how do you move from understanding to action? Here are a few practical steps:

  • Define Your Why: Go beyond profit and product. "Ask yourself what change you want to see in the world through your work," advises Volf and his co-authors.
  • Align Actions with Values: Ensure your business practices reflect your personal and company values. This coherence attracts like-minded customers and employees.
  • Foster Community: Build relationships with stakeholders based on trust and shared goals. A strong community bolsters your business against the inevitable ups and downs.
  • Embrace Setbacks as Learning Opportunities: View challenges as chances to deepen your commitment to your mission and refine your approach.
Summary Life Worth Living by Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, and Ryan McAnnally-Linz
Learn how to craft a life worth living by pursuing happiness, purpose, virtue, community, and hope. This article provides practical strategies to integrate meaning, character, relationships, and enjoyment into a multidimensional life.


"For entrepreneurs, the quest for meaning over happiness isn't just a philosophical choice—it's a strategic one," conclude Volf, Croasmun, and McAnnally-Linz. By focusing on purpose, you build a resilient, impactful, and fulfilling business. Remember, success is measured by what you achieve, the significance of your journey, and the difference you make. Let's redefine entrepreneurial success—one purpose-driven venture at a time.