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I've spent months using ChatGPT, and there is this crazy juxtaposition with the product. The ChatGPT user experience is so elegantly simple, yet the building of the product is full of complexity. You can tell your colleagues and boss that "ChatGPT is an AI chatbot". However, be careful because the next question is, "How does ChatGPT work?".

ChatGPT is trained on a vast dataset, understands your questions and answers them like an expert.

Well Trained on Extensive Data

ChatGPT is trained on a massive dataset of text data called the "WebText" dataset, which contains over 40GB of text data crawled from the internet. This dataset includes a diverse set of text content such as articles, forums, and websites, and it covers a wide range of topics and styles.

OpenAI built ChatGPT using a technique called machine learning, which is like a student learning from a textbook. The student reads the textbook multiple times to understand the content and learn the concepts. Similarly, ChatGPT reads and learns from a large corpus of text data.

The specific type of machine learning used to build ChatGPT is called deep learning, which involves training a neural network with many layers, similar to a skyscraper. Each layer of the network is responsible for learning a different aspect of the text data, similar to how each floor of a skyscraper has another function.

Understands What You're Looking for

One of the critical components of ChatGPT is the transformer architecture, which helps the model understand the context of words and phrases concerning the entire input, similar to how a detective reads a crime scene to understand the context and make predictions.

For example, if you ask ChatGPT, "Who is the president of the United States?" it will analyze the question and identify the key concepts (president and the United States) and then search through its text database to find the most relevant information that answers the question.

Explains the Answer like a Guru

Another technique that ChatGPT uses is "common sense reasoning", which allows it to understand the context and meaning of a question and generate an appropriate and relevant answer to the question, similar to how a human would answer.

Overall, OpenAI built ChatGPT by training a complex computer model on a large dataset of text data, using techniques like deep learning and transformer architecture. This transformer allows the model to understand and generate text similar in style and content to the training data, similar to how a student learns and uses the knowledge to solve new problems.