Summary: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson

Entrepreneurs face a unique set of challenges. Starting a business requires more than a great idea and the courage to leap; it calls for resilience, leadership, and a continual pursuit of self-improvement. In Jordan Peterson’s influential book, "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos," we find a treasure trove of wisdom that, while not written exclusively for entrepreneurs, is incredibly pertinent to them. Here’s how Peterson’s rules can be applied to the entrepreneurial journey.
Rule 1: Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back
Leadership begins with posture — both literally and figuratively. As an entrepreneur, you must present yourself confidently. Good posture communicates authority and invites respect from others. Figuratively, it means accepting the burdens of your venture, standing firm against challenges, and being prepared to lead from the front.
Rule 2: Treat Yourself Like You Would Someone You Are Responsible for Helping
Self-care is not selfish. Entrepreneurs often burn the candle at both ends, but long-term success requires you to look after your health and well-being with the same vigor you apply to your business. Take time to recharge, set healthy boundaries, and remember that a well-maintained mind and body are your greatest assets.
Rule 3: Make Friends with People Who Want the Best for You
Your network is your net worth. Surround yourself with people who push you to be your best self. Forge relationships with mentors, peers, and employees who challenge you, celebrate your wins, and stand by you during your losses. Avoid those who drain your energy or distract you from your goals.
Rule 4: Compare Yourself With Who You Were Yesterday, Not With Who Someone Else Is Today
Personal growth is the yardstick of success. In entrepreneurship, there will always be someone who is ahead. Instead of harboring envy, focus on your personal and business growth trajectory. Are you better than you were yesterday? That’s the only comparison that genuinely matters.
Rule 5: Do Not Let Your Children Do Anything That Makes You Dislike Them
Discipline breeds respect and trust. This rule can be reframed for entrepreneurs as "Do not allow behaviors in your team that undermine your company’s culture." Set clear expectations, enforce boundaries, and foster an environment where every team member is aligned with the company’s values.
Rule 6: Set Your House in Perfect Order Before You Criticize the World
Focus on internal before external. Before pointing fingers at market conditions or competition, ensure your business is in order. Optimize your operations, strengthen your team, and ensure your product or service is impeccable. Only then can you tackle external challenges with credibility.
Rule 7: Pursue What is Meaningful (Not What is Expedient)
Chase purpose, not just profit. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in quick wins, but true fulfillment and sustained success come from pursuing goals with deeper meaning. Build a business that stands for something beyond the bottom line, and you’ll find a driving force that keeps you going through tough times.
Rule 8: Tell the Truth — or, at Least, Don't Lie
Integrity is non-negotiable. In business, your reputation is everything. Be honest with your clients, your employees, and yourself. Lies may bring short-term gains, but truth fosters trust, credibility, and a strong foundation from which your business can grow.
Rule 9: Assume That the Person You Are Listening to Might Know Something You Don't
Every interaction is an opportunity to learn. Listen to your employees, your customers, your mentors — everyone. Active listening can provide insights that transform your business and spark innovation. Cultivate curiosity and open-mindedness as fundamental aspects of your entrepreneurial spirit.
Rule 10: Be Precise in Your Speech
Clarity is the cornerstone of communication. Whether you’re pitching to investors or directing your team, clear communication can prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is working towards the same goal. Precision in speech reflects precision in thought, both critical to effective leadership.
Rule 11: Do Not Bother Children When They Are Skateboarding
Risk-taking is essential for growth. This rule speaks to allowing room for risk and learning from it. In a business context, it means creating a culture where innovation is encouraged, and failure is seen as a learning opportunity. Give your team the space to experiment, and great things can happen.
Rule 12: Pet a Cat When You Encounter One on the Street
Find joy in the journey. Entrepreneurship is hard work, but don’t let the pursuit of success rob you of life’s simple pleasures. Take moments to appreciate the milestones, enjoy the unexpected, and celebrate small victories. These moments of joy will sustain your passion and energy.
Peterson’s "12 Rules for Life" offers guidance that transcends the personal and deeply resonates with the entrepreneurial spirit. Each rule can be adapted as a principle to guide your business practices, leadership style, and personal development. Starting and running a business is a given as an entrepreneur, but within that chaos lies the potential for great success. By embracing these rules, you can navigate the tumultuous waters of entrepreneurship with a steadfast compass, leading not only to the success of your venture but also to the personal growth that comes from pursuing a path with discipline, integrity, and purpose.